Share your expertise globally – submit a paper.

Experts are invited to share their knowledge globally by submitting a paper for publication here, one of the most respected journals for practicing engineers.

CIGRE Science and Engineering (CSE) offers substantial rigour and recognition

Unlike purely academic journals CSE allows authors involved in all aspects of power delivery to submit findings and proposals relevant to the design, operation, and maintenance of the industry. 

CSE features a rigorous review process, involving hand-picked experts from CIGRE’s network globally, ensuring that the paper,  if accepted, can stand any criticism or questioning. 

The journal is a Scopus registered (E-ISSN 2426-1335) digital magazine. 

In addition, the following benefits exist:

  1. Free publication – no financial obligation to authors or institutions.
  2. Free download – maximum exposure for authors’ work
  3. Rigorous review – reviewers are selected from the most knowledgeable experts globally by the Study Committee chairpersons.
  4. Rapid publication – the time from submission to publication can be from 6-9 months depending on the revisions required.
  5. Summaries are posted on LinkedIn and elsewhere ensuring access via multiple sources.

How to submit your paper


Everything you need to know about copyright, format and procedure can be found on this page: Submissions procedure

Send your paper to Journal’s Editor-in-Chief Dr. Rob Stephen - rob.stephen(@)

Further information including details of the editorial board are available on this page.