Editorial by Rob Stephen
CIGRE Science and Engineering (CSE) - The technical magazine of choice

CIGRE Science & Engineering Editor-in-Chief
Welcome to this, the 23rd edition of CSE, a Scopus registered (ISSN 2426-1335) magazine which provides the following benefits:
- Free publication – no financial obligation to authors;
- Free download – maximum exposure for authors’ work;
- Rigorous review – reviewers are selected from the most knowledgeable experts globally by the Study Committee chairpersons;
- Rapid publication – the time from submission to publication can be from 6-9 months depending on the revisions required.
This edition, the “best of” edition, contains the best papers from the recent centennial Paris Session. These papers have been thoroughly reviewed and selected via the National committees and Study Committees to be included in the Session. In addition, the Technical Council of CIGRE, consisting of the study committee chairpersons, then selected the best papers in each Study Committee from those accepted to the Paris Session.
This is the second fully digital edition as well as being an “additional” edition which provides more opportunity for our members and stakeholders to obtain information critical to their business.
The topics are all very relevant to the industry at present. These include reliability, maintenance, and the management of inverter-based resources in the network. There is a paper on dynamic thermal rating of cables as well as papers relating to partial discharge measurements and specialised testing of transformers. Cyber security is also covered for grid operations with a case study being described.
Authors are from utilities, manufacturers and academia. This provides both practical and cutting edge research results for those studying the papers.
As can be seen from the above the papers are all extremely relevant and highly technical.
For those at the forefront of their area of expertise who wish to publish in CIGRE Science and Engineering it is noteworthy that the review process is extremely thorough. Reviewers are selected by the relevant Study Committee chairperson from the global pool of experts within CIGRE. The selection is based on their specific expertise in the topic covered in the paper. There is no “mass request” sent to a pool of reviewers who may or may not be experts in the field. All the papers published in this edition have been thoroughly reviewed and revised often more than once. This ensures the paper is of the highest technical integrity and quality.
If you would like to publish in this prestigious, Scopus registered, magazine please email Rob Stephen.
All information on how to go about publishing can be found on this page.
There is no charge to publish, the magazine is free download providing the maximum exposure to authors. Publication can occur between 6 to 9 months depending on the revisions required.