CSE N°34
October 2024

Including Best Papers
of the CIGRE Paris Session 2024 - Part 1

A Scopus registered magazine
ISSN: 2426-1335

in this edition N°34

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About CIGRE Science & Engineering

This journal is the flagship of technical paper publications in CIGRE. It meets CIGRE’s desire to broaden its publication to articles of interest for its members and non-members, globally.

In 2010, CIGRE launched the prestigious CIGRE Science and Engineering journal to better reach the members and non members involved in power delivery globally.

The ambition is to publish 10 to 20 articles per issue, every four months.

This first issue of CIGRE Science & Engineering was published in February 2014 and presented a selection of the best papers presented at the 2014 Paris Session following peer reviews by the Study Committees.

The Editorial Team together with the Central Office relies on the National Committees to attract articles from their members and especially from the universities and schools in power engineering in their country. They will also rely on them to select the best papers presented in the different regional or national events they organize, and to submit these papers to the editorial team for review.

The Cigre Science and Engineering magazine is Scopus registered from January 2020. It boasts a rigorous peer review process whereby the reviewers are selected by the Study Committee chairs based on their international reputations and expertise. Credit points are awarded to researchers and students who propose articles in connection with the technical fields of CIGRE.

We also rely on the Study Committee Chairmen who are at the heart of the selection process of the papers presented in symposia or in colloquia, to select the best ones for review through the CIGRE Science & Engineering editorial team.